This blog is an anonymous blog so that real-life stories and thoughts can be made without the potential of hurting people or even myself. To give you some information, I have previously received my masters degree in Theology at a fairly conservative seminary (who was actually aware of my situation and did nothing!).
No where in this site will there be porn posted or described in any detail to prevent others from stumbling. There will also be comment moderation to ensure that there is no spam posted to this site; no google ads or anything that could be remotely used by the enemy and his cohorts to spawn someone to stumble into sin. This is a very conservative Christian perspective on pornography thus it will be anti-pornography (even “beyond” [to use liberal words] the Christian perspective) though we will consider other viewpoints analyzing them from a biblical perspective and other data or research.
My Definition of Pornography
Any material (either pictures or words or video, etc) that is sexually explicit that is designed in any way (whether primarily or even secondary or tertiary, or even accidentally) to produce sexual arousal in viewers, or any non-sexually explicit material that can also be used to produce sexual arousal (but not necessarily at the fault of the creator).
My Sexual Sobriety Definition from Pornography or Sex Addiction
To live a life of self-control and complete honesty and transparency and authenticity and to free from bondage to my addictive behaviors of viewing pornography and masturbation. This means to not look on anything on purpose (or accidentally on purpose) that could be considered pornography and definitely absolutely no masturbation.